My Approach

Ma ImageWhat is ART?

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a groundbreaking and highly effective therapeutic approach designed to address trauma and its lingering effects.

As a certified mental health therapist, I’ve honed my expertise in using ART as my “magic wand” and special sauce to facilitate healing.

With over 100 ART sessions under my belt, I’m passionate about helping my clients overcome trauma and reclaim their lives.

How does it work?

ART is a unique, evidence-based therapy that combines elements of traditional psychotherapy with rapid eye movements (similar to those used in REM sleep) to process distressing memories and emotions effectively.

My approach involves creating a safe and compassionate space for clients to gently explore their traumatic experiences.

By accessing the brain’s natural healing processes, ART empowers individuals to process and release emotional pain and clear the nervous system, leading to profound and lasting transformation.

What can I expect?

The results of ART speak for themselves – countless individuals have experienced significant relief after just one session, leading to enhanced overall well-being and improved daily functioning.

Through skilled guidance, I’ve witnessed clients achieve breakthroughs and embrace newfound resilience. Many have reported reduced anxiety, healing from grief, and an increased sense of empowerment.

Clients can expect a personalized experience tailored to their unique needs and experiences. Many sessions include laughter and tears of gratitude. I use my compassion, expertise, and commitment to clients’ well-being to create a nurturing environment for transformative healing.

Ma Image 3Reach out now.

If you’re seeking a dedicated and specialized mental health therapist to help you navigate the journey of healing from trauma, look no further.

My profound understanding of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) can be your key to unlocking the path toward a more vibrant, empowered, and fulfilling life.

Take the first step toward your healing journey and schedule a consultation today.