Teen Therapy

Teen ImageYou’re at a total loss with your teen.

“What happened to the little one I used to cuddle with as I smelled their hair? What happened to that easy bond between us?”

It’s terrible to feel like you don’t know where your child is headed. There’s a primitive evolutionary desire to control them so you can protect them, but you find that all your efforts are in vain.

You’re afraid for their safety and desperately want them to have a happy and fulfilling life. But you don’t know what to do, and you can barely have a conversation without it becoming an ordeal.

It’s time to try something different.

Nothing seems to be working, and you need a different approach. That’s where I come in; to walk alongside your teen as their confidant and advocate.

We begin our work with a family session where we explore your goals for your teen. Then we move on to working with your teen directly to create a safe space for them to share. I consider their trust sacred, and I gently but firmly listen and support them to make the best decisions for themselves.

At the same time, we maintain a focus on the family unit. Parents can sometimes unwittingly become part of the problem, but together we can work through that to restore your relationship.