
Divorce ImageYour relationship is coming apart at the seams.

The marriage feels like it’s crumbling beneath your feet. Or maybe it already has…

This emotional rollercoaster of grief and loss is unbearable. And it’s heartbreaking to face the reality that the relationship may be headed toward divorce.

You find yourself going back and forth between wanting to fight for what’s left of your marriage and accepting that it might be time to let go.

There’s constant conflict inside and out.

It’s as though your mind and heart are at war, torn between holding onto memories of what once was and preparing for an unknown future.

The mixture of fear, sadness, confusion, and uncertainty makes it difficult to breathe. Everything feels like shattered pieces scattered around you.

You can’t make sense of the overwhelming mess and have reached your breaking point. This is not how you envisioned your life.

It’s time to clean up this difficult mess.

As you come to terms with the possibility of divorce, you know you need help to untangle your life and emotions.

It is heart-wrenching, but you feel desperate for closure and healing.

You need support to sort through the shared belongings, address legal matters, custody issues, emotional abuse, and mind games.

Divorce 2Begin a new season.

The idea of the future is scary, but there are rare moments when you spot a glimmer of the deeper part of you and who you used to be.

You have the strength and hope inside to heal and grow as you embark on this new season of your life.

Though the road ahead may be challenging, you deserve to rediscover yourself, your resilience, your hopes, and your dreams and become open to the possibilities of building a fulfilling life you love.